20230314 - Goodbye Dad

This is the first post of this blog, which is to remind us of the importance of treasuring the love ones around us. We never know when the loved ones will leave us. Please do enjoy the time with them and treasure every moment we spend with them.



Sorry Dad, made you suffer for a period of time

But all is well now

No pain

No suffocation

No worry

Please be in peace

Hope that we took care of you well enough these days

Took you around to enjoy the time with car

Brought you to have good food

Bought you new phone and headset for your enjoyment

Though there are lots of things we should have done and brought you…

Sorry I didn’t do enough and well enough… and I think I did not understand you well enough…

Actually didn’t expect you to leave that early…

I knew you have much concerns, but I will take care of them now

It’s good to hear you telling mum about your feeling at the very last moments

I m good and sis is also good

Dont worry about us, we have grown up and will take care of mum and the rest of your concerns

Dont worry and rest in peace

Will lead you to the sea and return to the mother nature soon as per your request


Thank you for bringing me to this world

It’s nice to have met you in this life

Good Bye Dad

Love you